How to be a Lady Who Leaves
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A step by step guide to divorce …
How To Be a Lady Who Leaves is a guide book for any woman thinking about or going through divorce in England and Wales. Packed with information, practical hints, tips, extra resources and case studies from ladies just like you going through divorce.
- Does the thought of leaving your marriage scare you to death even though you want to leave?
- Are you panicked by the thought of all the paperwork, the legal bills and understanding what it will mean for you financially?
- Are you concerned that divorce will have a detrimental impact on your children and this wracks you with guilt?
- Do you wish you understood the divorce process?
“Emma Heptonstall’s book is a crash course in Divorce – all you need to know, but were afraid to ask. The book is highly readable and jammed packed full of useful tactics, tips, and advice spanning the nuts of and bolts of the legal process, understanding your finances and how to successfully put your children at the centre of your divorce.”

Emma Heptonstall
The Divorce Alchemist is the author of How to be a Lady Who Leaves. A recovering lawyer Emma is now a practising family mediator and divorce coach for ladies who want to make smart emotional and financial decisions on divorce. Emma has featured in the national and international media and works with ladies around the world supporting them with their decision to divorce and throughout the process.
Get How To Be a Lady Who Leaves for just £14.99 + P&P
How to be a Lady Who Leaves includes…
- Get clear about whether leaving is right for you.
- Understanding the divorce process in England & Wales.
- Understand your finances and how to make smart financial decisions.
- Tips and exercises so you’re divorce ready before you see a lawyer.
- Resources to help you navigate the divorce process with ease.
- Links to all court forms and fees.
- Strategies to save you time, money and your sanity!
- How to have a child-centred divorce.

“This book was and is the bridge over my troubled waters, providing unwavering, truly understanding and un-shockable support, both emotionally and practically with the legal process. If you’re (almost!) leaving or have just bitten the bullet and done it, this book (and for me Emma’s coaching and blogs) might just be the thing that sees you through.”
Here’s What You’ll Learn :
- How to be sure that your marriage is over and that you’re ready to end your marriage.
- The #1 thing you must do when you decide to divorce.
- Why going to a lawyer straight away is a bad idea.
- How to create a plan so that you avoid divorce overwhelm and can keep moving forward even when the situation becomes difficult or uncomfortable.
- How to save time, money and your sanity throughout your divorce.
- How the divorce process works in England and Wales (including links to up to date court forms and fees).
- How to understand your finances and make good financial decisions both now and in the future.
- How to support your children through the divorce process including how the court will decide where they will live if you can’t agree.
- How to manage your own emotions, prevent overwhelm and stay centred throughout the divorce process and into your new life as an ex-wife.
Get How To Be a Lady Who Leaves for just £14.99 + P&P