Clarity Over Coffee

Confidence you’re on the right track

Need to plan your next step?
Confused by a letter from your ex-spouse’s solicitor?
Not sure what to say to the children?
Fuming at the latest lie your soon-to-be-ex has come out with?
Uncertain about your finances?
Can’t untangle what’s best for your future vs seeking revenge?


Divorce is a rollercoaster. And part of taking the reins is surrendering to the fact that you can’t control everything.

You can’t change the legal system and you can’t control how your soon-to-be-ex behaves.

In fact, the only thing you can control is your own actions.

And that’s where Clarity Over Coffee comes in.

When your divorce is throwing new demands and decisions at you, you need someone to turn to.

Not Auntie Meg, who’s fresh out of her divorce and raging. Not your smug colleague Sarah who’s got co-parenting down pat. They’re not you. They’re not divorcing your spouse.

You need someone with years of legal and coaching experience. You need me.

A weekly dose of divorce alchemy will transform how you do your divorce – and your life after.

“You talk me down from the ledge every time I call.”

- Ali -

Clarity Over Coffee

 If knowing that each week you can have a call with me for a quick 30 minutes helps you feel confident and that you’ve got someone on your side, Clarity Over Coffee may be just what you need.

What can you ask me?

Well, pretty much anything.

I can help you work through your emotions so you’re making decisions from a calm, wise place – not a stressed. reactive one. I can be there as you offload and support you as you decide what to do next.

Remember, I’m not your lawyer so I can’t give you legal advice and I can’t give you a second opinion on the advice you’ve been given, so please don’t ask me! 

I can give you legal information, explain things to you again and give you suggestions on where else you might get further advice from if you need it. If you need help finding the right kind of lawyer for you, I can help you do that. Need help with form filling,  or understanding process and letters from your spouses’ solicitor, I can help with that. 

How does it work?

Coaching each week for a minimum of 4 weeks. You purchase a monthly bundle – no long term commitment. 

Clarity Over Coffee is a monthly fee of £600. You invest 1 month at a time.

How it will help you:

✅ weekly 30 minute calls recorded over Zoom so you can watch and listen over and over

✅ Voxer messaging access (text and voicemail)

✅ 10 minute pep talk in between each call when you need them.

It’s your time to use as you need. No issue is off limits. This is not like working with a solicitor, where the focus is solely on getting the legal job done (at six minute billable intervals). This is time for you, the person, to get empowered about your divorce, your way.

Will it give you time to slow down and plan? Yes. Will you get a real experience of how working with me will help you? Yes. Will I discount the £500 if you upgrade to another package and pay in full that month? Yes.

What others say about Clarity Over Coffee

“Talking with you calms me. I regain perspective.”

- Chris -

Meet Emma, The Divorce Alchemist

Emma Heptonstall is the author of How to be a Lady Who Leaves – The Ultimate Guide to Getting Divorce Ready and a former lawyer. She is a practising Divorce Coach with a specialism in high conflict diversion. Emma has worked with hundreds of women through their divorce: from making the decision to the Decree Absolute. She knows the legal, emotional, and practical landscape of divorce inside out. And she’s here to support you to make the best emotional and financial decisions for you and your future.

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