The Absolute Academy

The private community for women who want to axe the overwhelm and get their divorce done.


Lonely, confusing, terrifying, exhausting.


Divorce can be all of these things. If you go it alone. But relax.
You don’t have to go it alone. The Absolute Academy is here for you.

A private community of women who want to gain control of their divorce and feel better while they do it.

Do you:

  • feel out of your depth?
  • want it to all just go away?
  • struggle to sleep because of your divorce?
  • wish you knew people who really got it?
  • worry you’ll spend thousands and get nowhere?

Would you like to:

  • feel confident?
  • know exactly what to do each step of the way?
  • relax and look forward to the future?
  • connect with others who truly understand?
  • save thousands of pounds?

Take the stress and uncertainty out of your divorce
& protect your bank balance.

Only £225/month

A friend initially handed me Emma’s book when they heard I wanted to get divorced but what really lured me into the AA fold was the calm authoritative tone of its director, Emma Heptonstall on the phone one morning. I remember exactly where I was sitting (a less often visited Pret in West London) when something went click inside my head as Emma gently held me in her capable hands in that 1st free consultation as I babbled, worried and narrated my thus-far story. Later, when my story took the shape of a saga with many nail biting months of waiting for my ex to cooperate, there were multiple occasions when I looked forward to the weekly catch ups online so I could feel seen & heard by the experts and others who became familiar.

There were also plenty of times when something too awful to bear alone happened and then I had a place to fire off a message, safe in the knowledge that I would get an answer almost immediately, plus a dose of sympathy and a knowledge of what that feels like. This was something no friends or family could provide. Being part of the online group also gave me the chance to reflect on what my situation was like, a little from the outside. Everyone’s empathy and also having the opportunity to provide it back to others at times also formed an invaluable aspect to what is a very special community to be part of at a difficult time. Knowing I was not alone was the key.

- Lucy -

Meet Emma, The Divorce Alchemist

Emma Heptonstall is the author of How to be a Lady Who Leaves - The Ultimate Guide to Getting Divorce Ready and a former lawyer. She is a practising Divorce Coach with a specialism in high conflict diversion. Emma has worked with hundreds of women through their divorce: from making the decision to the Decree Absolute. She knows the legal, emotional, and practical landscape of divorce inside out. And she's here to support you to make the best emotional and financial decisions for you and your future.

“How you are feeling is a rollercoaster and most of us don’t know how to do this stuff!

Emma does. She gets it. She will get you.”

- Katie -


You don’t have to use a solicitor to divorce. You may not need to use one at all. And if you do instruct a solicitor I’m confident you can use them more effectively than you are now. So you’ll save thousands of pounds.

But it’s not just about the money. When you take charge of your divorce you put the power back in your hands. What would it feel like to make the right decisions for your divorce, backed up with my support and a whole community of women behind you?

Just think what that will do for your confidence.

Are you ready to save money and step into your power?

Originally (naively) I thought my divorce wouldn’t need solicitors so it was that balance of having some guidance and support versus paying lots of money to a solicitor… I knew it would be really cost effective but the beauty of working with you is that you can balance all of those things, and when it did end up being super high-conflict, your absolute robust background and training set you apart; you had and the education and experience to really hold my hand through that process of actually getting me through the court process and formalities with the compassion and empathy, which is what I needed: guidance, focus structure some tough love occasionally but compassion and empathy. I didn’t know my numbers; it was so helpful to have you guide me through that.

It was really important to me that you had a strong background, education and experience as well as the human side of things that you offered. 

When my divorce turned into a high-conflict situation you pivoted in what you offered me. It’s also important to me that you don’t allow man-bashing. In your community you allow people to share their stories but you dont let us get stuck in man-bashing and ruminating and you guide us away from that because it really isn’t helpful. You have the ability to be endlessly patient and neutral especially when someone is stuck and not listening to your guidance in the group programme.

The community is super-important. A knowledgeable group of women who all support each other and so well moderated. The facebook lives are great and you remind us not to go down rabbit holes and encourage us to focus on what’s important to us. Its a balance of support and community and friendship.

- Mandy -

What’s included with your Absolute Academy membership?

Live trainings & exclusive content

Live trainings including Get Divorce Ready ‘live’ which runs twice a year (you can join as many times as you like). Topics range from creating a divorce plan to using Family Mediation, preparing for court and managing communication. You get the opportunity to suggest training topics right for you. Access to the 8 week Get Divorce Ready self-study portal including an additional 5 hours of video trainings and a 95 page workbook to take you right through the divorce process.

Weekly Live Q&A

Weekly live Q&A sessions so you can join, ask the questions you have and learn from the questions the other ladies have – expanding your knowledge and increasing your confidence!

Weekly Zoom Wednesdays from 8:30-10pm. Come and join the chat!

How to be a Lady Who Leaves Book' by Emma Heptonstall

A copy of ‘How to be a Lady Who Leaves Book’ by Emma Heptonstall delivered to your home address

Understanding Divorce Cards

Understanding Divorce – 30 Daily Lessons Cards and 17 Key Concept Cards, including a list of resources for further learning

Private Facebook Group

A secret Facebook Group where you can connect and share in a private and safe space without fear of judgement or shame. Get support from other ladies just like you.

30 Minute Welcome Consultation with Emma

Member discount on paid services

Enjoy a member discount on Emma’s other paid services whilst being a Club member. 20% discount on all online or 1:1 programs (excluding Voxer) with Emma Heptonstall, the discount can support you whether you need the self-study or 1:1 coaching.

Do divorce better!

Only £225/month

“Working with Emma has been a hugely positive experience and saved me a stack load of cash – I’m only now instructing a solicitor, as we near the end of our divorce process.

Emma’s so gifted at holding space for the huge emotional rant every time it gets difficult, and then somehow managing to understand where we are both coming from, and helping me to put together my calm, rational response in a way that will be well received by my ex.

I genuinely do not know where I would be without her! And she’s now being hugely supportive as I choose a solicitor and as I navigate the last and predictably tricky stage of my financial negotiations. Can’t recommend her highly enough!”

- Heidi -

“Emma has been brilliant. From the moment I realised that my marriage was over, I have been terrified, mainly because I had no idea what to do next or how much it was going to cost me.

Having been a stay at home mum, I didn’t have the safety net of my own income. Not only has Emma saved me a small fortune by avoiding unnecessary solicitor visits, but she has also equipped me with the knowledge I need and the confidence to drive things forward and to ask for what I really want.

Emma does this with patience and good humour, even when you are losing it and you feel like your world is ending. If you are questioning the cost, don’t! She is worth every penny and pays for herself in the money she saves you and the voice of sanity she brings amidst the chaos.

Do yourself a favour and have a chat with Emma.”

- Lucy -


Why invest in the Absolute Academy?

There are many reasons to invest: the supportive community, the resources, toolkits and Q&As. But it boils down to two main benefits:

1. You will save money. Most likely the knowledge and skills you get from being in the Absolute Academy will mean you can deploy your solicitor strategically, rather than rely on them for every little thing. This will save you thousands.

2. You’ll develop a confidence that means you’ll navigate not only your divorce on your terms, but the rest of your life too. When you invest time and energy in your divorce, with the right support behind you, you get it done. It’s that simple.

How does it work?

You’ll get access to two private spaces: an online portal full of resources and training to access whenever you wish. You can return to the portal as many times as you like while a member of the academy. And a private, secret Facebook group where you can connect with other women, and me. We also have a weekly zoom clinic and a live facebook Q&A every week.

Why do I have to join for four months?

Divorce is a marathon, not a sprint. I want you to get best value from The Absolute Academy which means I want to support you to understand your divorce inside out. After the first four months you can cancel anytime. We actively encourage you to leave when you’re ready – this is about getting divorce done and moving on with your life!

Is the group private?

Our Facebook Group is both private and secret – people will not be able to tell you’ve joined, and only the ladies in there will see what you post.

What if I have specific questions about my divorce that aren't covered in the resources?

I know every divorce is unique, and that’s why I hold Q&As every week to answer your individual questions. The Q&A is recorded so you can watch the replay if you can’t attend live. So every week there’s an opportunity to benefit from my professional expertise.

“I remember thinking I wish there was someone who could hold my hand through all this and guide me if a different way to the solicitors who seemed to be more reactive to questions I hadn’t even thought of at that time. I googled it and came up with a few names.

We chatted and I bought your book which I read cover to cover in 1 day (and I don’t read books)…

…We spoke and you were just super normal. No agenda for man hating, just empathy, support  and practical help…

…I liked that you had different options and that there was a support group even though as this has progressed I have preferred the privacy of just talking to you but it is reassuring to know you are not alone.

Your professional background and your calm friendly support and the fact you hadn’t personally been through the ‘shit’ leaving you bitter and twisted are big factors.

I knew from our initial conversation that with your support I could just do this. And thank god I did as I couldn’t have done/still be doing it without you.

In a nutshell. Because I knew when we spoke you knew exactly how I was feeling without me even explaining and felt you were like ‘Right we’ve got this…’

You helped take away the fear and made it practical whilst still offering emotional support. From the first conversation until now it has never felt like a business meeting.”

- Sarah -

Join The Absolute Academy, Today!

Only £225/month

Out of the few people that were shortlisted, my brothers were looking for someone to help me, you were based in London but more than that you seemed to be more straightforward rather than hairy-fairy – “oh, you’ve got to love yourself” you know all of that stuff and aromatherapy  which is all good but you don’t deliver it in that way and that’s what appealed to me because it was just straight forward. No nonsense, no frills, and I felt like you weren’t trying to make money out of me if you know what I mean and take me on a journey that was to do with your business, it felt like you genuinely wanted to help

- Susan -

“I had no idea where to begin after my husband left.  To be honest, at first, I did nothing. Then I heard about Emma’s website for women going through a separation. I read it from start to finish then immediately signed up. 

Emma has been so supportive throughout my separation. She has helped me find the confidence to begin divorce proceedings without the need for a solicitor and therefore has saved me a lot of money. Not only that, she helped me to realise that it was ok, in fact, it was vital, to wait till I was ready, till I was capable of dealing with everything clearly, not emotionally. To get to that point was understandably difficult but Emma guided me through, helping me to deal with the emotional side fully so I was prepared to begin my divorce. 

I feel confident and informed in a way I didn’t think was possible without spending thousands of pounds and, even though I’m only at the start of my journey, through Emma, and the other woman I’ve met on this journey, I feel strong and knowledgeable and positive about my future. Thank you Emma x”

- Rhona -

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